Wednesday, October 10, 2012

FDOTR gets invited to the red carpet @ the Columbus day parade

FDOTR got invited to the Columbus day parade (Oct 8, 2012). We were close to the red carpet seeing the parade up close and personal. I would like to thank Jennifer Adriana, Colette Stango and Leanne Spitalieri for inviting us to this prestigious event.

Our day begin with seeing this amazing site of the Ferraris and Lamborghinis, then treated to breakfast inside the members only club. Once finished we headed to the stands where we were close to the red carpet and ABC had their tent next to the Columbus Citizen Foundation stage where there were some performances such as Elise Testone from America Idol as the parade passed by.

[picture of Commissioner kelly with actor Danny Aiello]

Andrew Coumo

Tony Lo Bianco

Chuck Schummer
Elise Testone from American Idol
Opera singer Chris Macchio

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